In Malaysia, heart disease remains the leading cause of death. A heart attack causes nearly one out of every four deaths, according to Columbia Asia.
Adequate sleep is vital in order to keep your heart strong. Sleep helps your body rejuvenate itself and recharge its reserves after an exhausting day, as well as affect your blood pressure, heart rate and glucose levels. Heart disease and sleep disorders can wreak havoc on your health in many ways, from making you feel poorly to increasing the risk of other issues like obesity and diabetes.
As you sleep, your brain sends signals to your muscles and organs that instruct them to move in order to remain healthy. The exact nature of these signals depends upon factors like emotions, stress levels and anxiety, but they also fluctuate depending on how long a sleep session you get.
Additionally, hormones released during deep sleep known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep can alter how your heart and blood vessels work; specifically during REM sleep your heart rate and blood pressure drop significantly while non-REM sleep sees them reach their highest point. During REM sleep, your heart rate can fluctuate from low to high as your muscles and organs reposition themselves, potentially leading to an increase in both blood pressure and heart rate. This increases the risk of sudden cardiac problems as you sleep through the night.
Sleep deprivation can increase blood sugar, leading to cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, it may increase hardening of arteries that restricts the flow of blood into your heart and other parts of the body.

Insomnia is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders and one of the primary causes of disability worldwide. People struggling with insomnia are at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke and other health conditions.
Sleep-related breathing disorders, like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), can also increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. OSA causes breathing lapses during sleep that disrupt oxygen supply and cause you to awaken often enough for medical intervention. OSA has been linked with heart disease, diabetes, obesity and stroke. Additionally, OSA may contribute to high blood pressure and make it hard for individuals to manage their cholesterol levels effectively.

It is crucial that you get seven hours of uninterrupted restful sleep to help manage weight, reduce stress and prevent other health problems. The key is to get quality sleep while remaining heart healthy. If you suffer from chronic conditions, such as OSA, high blood pressure or diabetes, it's essential that you speak with your doctor about how sleep impacts their symptoms. Sleep better now! Contact The Air Station for more information at 6265 5608 or email us customer@theairstation.com.