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Authorised RESMED CPAP Sales & Service Centre

Clean your worries, the smart way
Choose Speco to create a safe and healthy environment for your loved ones everyday.
CREATe a safe space
Lab-tested safe for any exposure, including babies and sensitive skin, pets and more.
The Speco Proprietary Active Ingredient has a contact kill efficiency of 99.9999% within 1 minute
Our Technology
Our scientists have dedicated their expertise to the creation of the Speco® Proprietary Active Ingredient, a symbol of green technological advancement that is both highly effective and sustainably conscious. Recognized under the US EPA's Quaternary Ammonium Compound (QAC) category, Speco® isn't just an ingredient. It's our pledge to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Elevating this commitment, we proudly present Speco+ technology, our newest evolution that harnesses the pure power of plant-based and bio-based solutions. Embrace a future where green technology enhances your everyday life, with Speco® and Speco+ leading the way.
Test Conditions
The Speco Proprietary Active Ingredient was tested by independent accredited Singapore labs in accordance with ISO22196 and ASTM standards using MHV (mouse hepatitis virus), an approved surrogate for SARS-CoV-2.
Test Results
The Speco Proprietary Active Ingredient has a contact kill efficiency of 99.9999% within 1 minute. Under the coating test, it yielded a 99.9% kill rate against coronaviruses.
All test results exceeded our initial expectations.
Biodegradable. Being biodegradable with low bio-accumulation potential, Speco is safe for the environment.
Non-hazardous. As a non-hazardous waste solution, Speco is a safe product, but we do not recommend dumping it into open waters so as to preserve aquatic life.
Non-leaching. The Speco Proprietary Active Ingredient is not a leaching product as it belongs to the Reactive Chemistry Grouping. Such chemicals are binding, and thus non-leaching.
Stable. Speco is physically and chemically stable, and has no dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use.

Sanitises the air and your surrounding with Speco Air and feel the freshness of the air you breathe!
Purifies the air with Medical Grade HEPA Filter & UVC, a filter that is also self cleaning and last up to 12 months!
Probiotics solution of Speco Air is safe for pets and everyone at home. Protect your home and everyone with Speco Air!
Protect the entire family from VOC’s and more with 99.9999% virus & bacteria kill rate without any chemicals!

What is the difference between an air purifier and Speco Ion?
Speco Ion comprises of:
1. A medical-grade H13 HEPA filter, which is pre-coated with Speco Anti-Viral Coating for dual sanitizing effect.
2. Speco Ion features Ambient Technology through “Speco+ mode” function which actively destroy germs and viruses in the air by releasing Speco+. The Speco+ then gradually settles on surrounding surfaces, providing additional sanitization.
3. The Speco Ion is safe for pets and babies, and has no impact on the development of individual's immune system.
4. The Speco Ion is able to remove formaldehyde from newly renovated offices and homes.
coverage with just 1 unit.
30million cc
IP ion volume
effective protection